Monday, March 26, 2012

Dumb things I wonder about (an ongoing series)

Plato never said if the people in the cave were standing or sitting.

World Horror 2012 -- the anticipation

Very wired up about going to World Horror. My usual plan is to go to two cons a year, my local and one of the following World Horror/World Fantasy/World Science Fiction. The overlap between the groups is quite high. I have nothing huge I want to accomplish -- with one exception that will or will not be talked about in the sequel -- so it's all gravy from here. I get to hang with friends, as well as getting tips and encouragement.

On being a nerd

My Mom recently said, "Honey, you were never a nerd," so I fired up my lightsaber...

Friday, March 16, 2012

Where ya been?

Ah, the wonders of the kidneys. For the last few months, I've gone back and forth with the one on the right, as it screamed for attention (or maybe that was just me screaming). The difference between a kidney and a child is that the kidney won't stop annoying you if you ignore it.

So, it put me in the hospital. Lots of nice hallucinations with a 104 fever (40 for you who use a real measuring system). And it's more than a week since I got out, and I still feel stupid. Not stupid in an "oh, I shouldn't have done that" way, but stupid in a "Sarah Palin makes a lot of sense" way. Getting better, though. I had a "Romney tied to Santorum's car roof while Santorum is making out in the back seat" article I wanted to do, but chances missed are gone forever.

Meantime, I'm heading to Salt Lake City for World Horror Convention 2012 week after next. Hopefully the drooling will have stopped.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

It can't love. I can't build cars. So we're even.

Whenever I think I'm getting too full of myself, I will interject into the conversation, "Because, of course, you are all robots sent here to test me." Amongst friends and family, they know I know when I'm being an ass. As for the robot sentiment in general, there is an actual term for it in philosophy and psychology: The Illusion of Central Position. Hence the name of my blog.